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How to Reduce GHG Emissions

How to Reduce GHG Emissions

Climate chage is crucial challenge because GHGs from daily life trap heat in the atmostphere and lead to global warming. Many people might believe that they cannot make a difference or that only innovative actions can impact this issue. However, small actions and effective strategies from many individuals can make a huge impact. 

How to Calculate GHG Emissions  Direct Method: Measures emissions directly from operations and sources controlled by the owner, such as industrial processes, fuel combustion, company facilities, and vehicles.Indirect Method: Measures emissions related to operations not directly controlled by the owner, such as purchased electricity, waste disposal, and business travel.

Simple Ways to Save the World and Your Money

  1. Transportation

Transport section is the one of the biggest cause climate change because of fuel consumption. Try to use alternative ways, walking or biking for short distance. Public transport or car sharing for long travel. In Thailand, Try using HACHUP or Hertz instead of private car

  1. FashionThis industry accounts for 9% of GHG emission with around 65 Million items ending up in landfill within a year. For circular fashion, you can buy or sell second-hand shops/ platforms or repair itAnother way is using cold water to wash your clothes and air-drying  instead of a tumble that saving nearly 0.5 tonnes CO2e per year. 

3.FoodiePlant-based diet could save around 0.8 tonnes of GHG emission.During beef generates 49.9kg of GHG emission per 100g, Pork’s GHG footprint produces 7.6kg.Avoid consuming animal products to eating products from small animals (chicken, fish, duck, egg, yoghurt) in local.

  1. HouseholdStart with energy saving technology such as;Lighting accounts for nearly 5% of GHG emission let’s use LED instead of lightbulb that save energy up to 50-70% with 570 million tons.Air conditioning accounts for 2,800 Mt of GHG emission Set 26-27C and turn off at least 1 hour before waking up that saving 266 kg co2

(Green) design building accounts for 38% of of GHG emission Explore with ‘jaali’ design in Indai – Passive cooling techniques that save energy by lowering the indoor temperature and blocking external heat. Energy savings up to 70% and 40% saving in carbon emissions 

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